Thursday, January 26, 2012


Well the snow has said fair well, but I hear that'll be short lived with the chance of it most likely returning next weekend. In the mean time life's pace has decided to kick into high gear for me! I spent yesterday @ BTC (my school) from 8am all the way to 8pm with about a half hour break where I left campus. It was a great day don't get me wrong but very long!

So some catch up on Miss Whatcom County; Monday was wardrobe night. That's the night where we choose, well Carol and Kara (the directors) choose what we'll wear for the pageant...the line up is: Interview, Swimsuit, After 5 (cocktail), Talent, and evening gown. This is my Talent dress!!
I LOVE IT!! I'm singing Popular; from the Broadway Musical Wicked made famous by Kristen Chenoweth! Now I sound nothing like Kristen Chenoweth but I love her and I'm giving the song my best shot! If you youtube the video of her performance of Popular she is wearing a BRIGHT pink dress because well she's Glenda the Good Witch HELLO!! 
I didn't take pictures of any of my other outfits cause I totally spaced and it's a hectic nights without cameras being busted out left and right! So ignore how exhausted I look in the picture, it was a long night.

My swimsuit isn't anything worth oohhing and ahhing over because at the moment me in a bathing suit couldn't make anyone oohh and aahh, YET! I'm working my butt off to get back into my prime shape that I was in Junior Year of High school!! I was a mean 135lbs and as solid as a brick sh*t house! (as Kurt would say) If not by March 10th definitely by my 19th birthday I want to be back to my original sexy self other than my slightly frumpy college freshman self that I feel right now.

Well time to head back to work! :)

Au Revouir!


  1. You're doing great, I am proud of you!

  2. I lOvE the dress and I lOvE the song and I lOvE you and you're going to be GREAT!
