Friday, February 10, 2012

And The Gate Drops...

Anyone who knows my family knows EXACTLY what that statement means! I am using it in metaphorical terms since my reason isn't motocross related at all; it's Pageant related.
Yup, February has hit do you know that that means?? That means ONE MONTH!!! Till pageant and one month exactly to the day that I'm posting this actually! For many of you who know me as family members(maybe) think that I am the greatest, prettiest, smartest girl running well the truth of the matter is....I'm not! All 7 of my fellow contestants are all beautiful, unique, and we're all very clever in our own ways. We are the most passionate, determined, and ambitious young women in Whatcom County and that shows through our participation in the pageant. Sure you could "run" and just be there for the money, but you'll get chewed up and spit back out faster than you can say "OUCH" if you don't step up your game!

That's EXACTLY what is happening right now! It's crunch time (both literally & metaphorically speaking because right now that swimsuit is more daunting than EVER!) It's time to pull out all the stops Interview practices, workouts, practicing my talent,  and volunteering in my platform that's just the PAGEANT! That's without adding in that I'm a full-time student, part-time barista, daughter, grand-daughter, girlfriend, sister, and trying to stay in contact with my friends!! Are ya tired yet? Cuz' I sure am!! I get ONE I repeat ONE day off a week and I really techncally couldn't call it a day off cause I'm bound to be doing ONE TRILLION DIFFERENT THINGS!!

I have become an EXCELLENT multi-tasker!! In fact at the moment I am working, blogging, and doing homework ALL at the same time!! :) Pretty good I know!

Au Revoir!


  1. I love you too Kate!
    You are FABULOUS and you're going to knock the socks off your beautiful talented clever competition!
